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truthordare's loves1434 of 2121Large Malachite-Painted Wooden BoxLoetz Ausführung 80, 81 and 88
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (52 items)

    A rare hard past handpainted porcelain jardinaire in the meissen style, but I can't identify the blue undeglazed mark
    Please help me !!!
    Measures: Larger Diameter 27 cm Smaller 21 H total H 19.5

    Mystery Solved
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    1. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      I have looked at other names from the German 18th and 19th century from my marks book by Kovel. This is not my area of expertise, but I like to help.

      It seems the marks changed often, the crown is a different style and the letters or initials are also different over time for similar pieces by Frankenthal and Ludwigsberg.

      Could the initials on yours be ?PM, for Porcelain Manufacture in German.
    2. Golgatha Golgatha, 6 years ago
      Looks inspired by the Meissen 1720 mark. Probably a fake from the far East.
    3. Agustin Agustin, 6 years ago
      Many Thanks to Truthordare and Golgatha,
      The piece is very heavy and has a mold mark that divides it into two parts. The decoration seems to Meissen of 1700, but the brand totally disconcerts me. The typography looks like the one used before 1700, but I can not find the brand. I have many books of porcelain marks and I have not been able to see anything similar.
      The most similar thing that I found, corresponds to a mark of HILDESHEIM of 1760, that is in KOVEL`S DICTIONARY of marks Pottery & Porcelain 1650 to 1850 PAG192 kovels. It seems a variation of that brand but I do not totally convince. My regards
    4. Agustin Agustin, 6 years ago
      Dear Friends, I am disappointed...Is a fake from Samson !!!!.
      Imitating the seals of HILDESHEIM from 1760.

    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 3 years ago
      So interesting, he visto una entrevista tuya en youtube. Hace mucho que no veo nada tuyo publicado, espero estés bien.

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