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34" 1880's Romadka Brothers "Overland" Leather bound Canvas Trunk

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (91 items)

    Here is a mid-to-late 1880s Romadka Brothers "Overland" Leather bound, Canvas covered Trunk. Measures 34 L x 22 D x 26 H which is the smallest for this overseas travel trunk. All interior trays being present was nice to find. It has the wheels like you find on a sole leather trunk. Maybe because of the sole leather type edge binding? It has a small water issue on the top in the one spot but it should turn out and be a character mark. It also has monogrammed "Western Glove Co." brass buttons on the little leather compartment straps. The bent wood on this wraps from front to bottom to back in one piece which is different. Lots of nice die-cast trimmings plus the standard patented leaf designed ones. Solid brass Eagle lock with key. The lid stay is a little different then one normally finds.

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    1. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      Dam Tom! thought you fell off the face of the earth, but I see you found some more great trunks, very nice Romadka, have been looking for one like this myself, this one is in very good condition, great find, greendog.
    2. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks for the loves there, greendog, EJW-54, fortapache .
    3. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks Brian!! Not off the face of the earth but have been pretty ill for the last month and not having the fortitude to carry a conversation, pretty much became isolated. This one I got last month but was unable to post it. You can tell because the ground or lawn is still Glad you like it as with any good name trunk it's a thrill to find and secure!!
    4. FatBoy64, 6 years ago
      wow, another nice one.
    5. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks Fatboy64!! The one you posted will be great cleaned up as well. I know the one your speaking of that Jim did which is stunning and the same as your hardware content and layout. I have the before and after photos of that trunk saved to this trunks folder. Thanks again for the love!!
    6. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      I hope that you get to feeling better soon Tom, best wishes, Brian.
    7. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks Mike78!!
    8. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks!! JonB
    9. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks again!! officialfuel
    10. Drill Drill, 6 years ago
      Great Romadka Trunk, Feel better Tom!
    11. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks for the loves guys always appreciated!! leighannrn, bjb5859 & blunderbuss
    12. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks Drill !!
    13. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks! filmnet

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