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Important Malcolm X Civil Rights Broadside / Handbill for the New York City Rally, Harlem Square, 1963

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (516 items)

    "War! War! Yes, a Hell of a War! Will Be Declared on the Mess that Stinks in Messy Mississippi."

    An important and historically significant find. An original Malcolm X Civil Rights Broadside / Handbill for a New York City Rally at Harlem Square, March 23, 1963. Stunning list of speakers / guests including Malcolm X, baseball icon Jackie Robinson, Adam Clayton Powell, Dick Gregory -"the man with the sword in his tongue" as well as Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. From Wikipedia: "Davis and Dee were well known as civil rights activists during the Civil Rights Movement and were close friends of Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other icons of the era. They were involved in organizing the 1963 civil rights March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and served as its emcees. Davis, alongside Ahmed Osman, delivered the eulogy at the funeral of Malcolm X."

    This 8 1/2" x 11" broadside was recently tested at The University of Utah for ink, paper and printing authenticity. The test show that the ink, paper and printing equate to the time period of the 1960's. This is right as rain and rare.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Great piece, and thank you for the history, esp interesting to learn more about Ossie Davis who was such a wonderful actor
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Of course, this is one sided.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 6 years ago
      Didn't know you could test and date paper and ink to a specific decade. Is the service readily available/ is it costly?


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