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McBrine 34" Vulcanize Fiber Flat Top Trunk

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (91 items)

    Picked this up yesterday as it was only minutes from the Clinton wall trunk purchase. I have had my eye on it for sometime, but to far to justify purchasing it. From the single ad photo I assumed it to be a Langmuir trunk because of the nail work through out the surface with the metal tag being obscured by the lock in the down position. After seeing Brian (Greendog) what can be done to such a vulcanized trunk like you did to your small one, it has some potential for sure to be something beautiful once again. I was surprised to find the tray to be present with the paper McBrine label and found that quite interesting. It measures 34" L x 21" D x 22" Tall. The staining/wear lines makes any very slight rippling look way worse than it actually is. It comes with an excellent solid Brass Corbin lock. It is missing one original wheel but I have a replacement for that. The nail are steel and not the brass that I was hoping for. Judging by the latches it's an earlier 20th century period with the steel being perhaps simple a cost cutting factor. None the less for 30.00 the purchase can be easily justified for the lock alone.

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    1. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks for the love Iggy
    2. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks !! officialfuel, TheGateKeeper, FatBoy64, fortapache
    3. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks EJW-54!! I saw a trunk the other day with your EJW initials on it and immediately thought of
    4. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      EJW-54..... I came across the trunk with your initials again.
      It is a barrel stave trunk with alternating wide and narrow slats and the same for the slat clamps holding them. Never seen that before on the same trunk.
    5. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Thanks! Mike78 , filmnet . This submission was pretty much to show that trunks constructed like this and have no label can also possibly be attributed to Mcbrine. There are 3 I have seen so far...Mcbrine , Langmuir, and Wilkins.

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