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Loetz Rubin Matt Iris - DEK 719 (?)

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Bohemian Art Glass1372 of 6681Loetz Phanömen Genre Vase, s/t PN I-7614, ca. 1902Czech? spatter vase
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (132 items)

    I could not resist and I bought another Rubin Matt Iris. PN II-779, size 20.3 x 13.6 cm. It could be DEK 719. The bottom mark could be 719 or 779 - which could be PN numbers ???

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      You can never have too many...! Love the split handles and rim treatment!
    2. SteveS SteveS, 6 years ago
      Thought the left handle looked as though it had been polished a bit ... stopped me going any higher ... what is your thinking on arrival Sammyz
    3. larksel larksel, 6 years ago
      Yes, the left handle seems a little different. But it seems to be a manufacturing mistake. The handles were originally partly gildet. I do not think this is a restored handle.
    4. SteveS SteveS, 6 years ago
      Thanks larksel
      Certainly worth a bid ...

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