Posted 6 years ago
(648 items)
Tiefrot Ausführung 83 is very similar to the Ausführung 136 decor examples "ohne Auflagen", or without the applied berry and vine applications. This little vase has a fire polished rim and polished pontil, and exhibits the same characteristics as the blue example of Ausf. 136 in my last post, except the ground is this very deep scarlet red color. The shape corresponds to PN II-5841. It has densely packed flakes of brownish aventurine, which is encased in a clear outer layer.
For more on the newly documented Ausf. 83 decor, see the decor page on here:
Great sluething, Warren! Nice discovery of another new Loetz decor
Thanks, Deb - I think we all knew it was out there - we just needed to find a documented example for verification.
Well Worth the Wait !!,!!
That's amazing. Another piece into the Loetz mosaic. Congratulations.
Love new stuff! There is so much more out there to discover! Thanks Warren.
Very fortunate to find one tucked away on a forgotten shelf ? :-)
There is a red / brown one in the bottom corner of that PGM cabinet ... under the scarabs ...
I got photos of two that are in Passau.
amazing as always. I have one of these that I got for a song because it is not a well known decor number