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Vintage 10k Cameo Pendant with Small Pearls Around Pendant (MYSTERY UNSOLVED!!)!

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (32 items)

    Vintage 10k Cameo Pendant with Small Pearls Around Pendant (MYSTERY UNSOLVED!!)

    My Grandmother Passed Away a Few Years Ago at the age of 93. She left me thus Cameo
    on the Gold it states 10 k and around d the entire Cameo their are Small Pearls with a gold trim outline.
    If Anyone Knows:
    1. Who this is on the Cameo?
    2. Approximately what year this was Made?
    3. Who is the Artist of This Gold Cameo Pendant?
    4. APPROXIMATE Value?
    Or Any other info I would Greatly Appreciate
    Your Feedback !!!

    Unsolved Mystery

    Help us close this case. Add your knowledge below.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Beautiful shell cameo, they often depict a Greek or Roman goddess
    2. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 6 years ago
      She is cut in helmet shell. 'Flora' was a common subject on Victorian cameos, a woman dripping in flowers. In the early 20th century she morphed into what I think of as 'corsage ladies', pretty women with a more contemporary look, wearing a corsage on the shoulder, sometimes something that looks like a flower arrangement on top of the head. Your lady looks like a transitional figure: no longer quite Flora, more art nouveau influenced.

      The setting is especially lovely, have never seen another quite like it. The findings, the hinge & clasp are also intermediate forms: more sophisticated than the simple T hinge & C clasp; not the types in use today.

      If I'm doing the math correctly, grandmother was born in the early 1920s? The cameo brooch is of a type that was popular in the 20s & 30s. If she was the first owner, perhaps a gift for a significant birthday, such as 18 or 21, or perhaps a graduation gift. The other possibility is that she had it from her mother, but think she would have told you that?

      As for value, the cameo market is all over the place right now. Your best guidance would come from checking eBay, etc., listings of recently sold cameos that are similar to yours. Do not go by what is being asked for cameos yet to be sold.
    3. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 6 years ago
      Thank you, valentino97. :)
    4. kyratango kyratango, 6 years ago
      Beautiful! Nice mount, pleasant subject and a family heirloom (priceless!).
      Cameosleuth is always the cameo goddess :-)
    5. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 6 years ago
      Thank you, kyratango, for the chorus of praise. :)
    6. Lisa288 Lisa288, 6 years ago
      ATtention: cameosleuth, Newfld, and kyratango,
      I really appreciate all the knowledge and information that you all shared with me about my Brooch/ Pendant. I still have not found One Like it So Far. Not that I want to sell it but in your opinions , with all your knowledge what do you believe is a far price for this??.?
    7. Gillian, 6 years ago
      To be honest, we are not permitted to discuss value here. Asking for a fair price is a no no.
    8. Lisa288 Lisa288, 6 years ago
      That's for letting me know, then How do I see things that are on collector weekly and you cam see thier ebay ad for same?
    9. Gillian, 6 years ago
      I only know of one person that we managed to find her eBay store - I doubt that long time members here give out values. If you look just above the comment box it does say 'comments...............and free of solicitations to buy or sell.'
      Do you have any suggestions on how we can stop peeps from coming here, just getting a value, or lots of information that they can use in their listing.
    10. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 6 years ago
      If you use eBay's advanced search so you can select for sold listings & put in this number 233113943381 you will see what happened to a cameo similar to yours.
    11. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 6 years ago
      'Do you have any suggestions on how we can stop peeps from coming here, just getting a value, or lots of information that they can use in their listing.'

      It seems to me the main point of Collectors Weekly is to help people gather info that will be useful to them in their own selling & to lead them to listings they can follow to see the outcome with items similar to theirs to get an idea of price.

      'How do I see things that are on collector weekly and you cam see thier ebay ad for same?'

      Items in Show & Tell are not necessarily for sale. Cameos people show here are usually like yours, inherited, or a recent acquisition the poster is especially happy about. For items in the 'Shop' section, clicking on the photo used to take you straight there. Last time I tried there was some hoop they wanted me to jump through, so now I just note the key words in the title & use them to search eBay directly. Don't know if that answers your question; not quite sure what you are asking.

      Has anyone else noticed that the section for current eBay listings has become seriously non-current?
    12. kyratango kyratango, 6 years ago
      Collectors Weekly is quite a mess for the moment...
      Ben advised they are working to correct all malfunctions...
      At least now we get notifications when someone comment on a followed post...
    13. Gillian, 6 years ago
      I have the very same "botheration". A real problem. A lot of them post once, do not come back to say thanks, then poof they're gone.

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