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Another Kralik Decor Confirmed - the tiny white multi colored pulled spatter - Marked

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (369 items)

    On my Ruckl website, I decided over a year a go to document the more obscure Kralik decors, by assembling images of shapes and decors for a study that justifies their identification and add to it.

    This decor is not that common, but we have seen it on CW before 5 years ago. jagsrock had a set of bath salts glass containers with soap bars, still gift wrapped and labeled. The glass decor was this one, in fact I think this is the same piece at 6.75 inches high.

    I had also come across other shapes in this decor that were represented in some Butler Brother Catalog assortments during the interwar period. The benefit of doing this is to increase the range of decors and shapes that have not been identified before. You can see from the linked post this piece was identified as Kralik years ago, but when you come across more pieces in this decor but a different shape, you may not realise that.

    The base of my vase has the acid Kralik arch mark with open 'O's as well.

    My site's information is in this grid named KRALIK FINE WHITE SPATTER

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Hey truthordare, this piece is a beauty! :^D Did you see the vase that I posted about a month ago? Jericho said that it looked like Kralik, but I haven't been able to confirm it, not very many of the people selling this type of Czech Art Glass, know what they're selling, I think. Here's a link to mine, see what you think:

      Thanks for posting yours! :^)
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Thank you very much truthordare, for helping to confirm that my vase is in fact Kralik Art Glass! :^)
    3. kralik1928 kralik1928, 6 years ago
      I’m afraid I’m not very popular when I say not all arched signatures are Kralik - I think this is one of those... highly suspect but shape and decor more likely in Ruckl but it’s nice to see the contradictions
    4. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      I'm afraid you are wrong in this instance K28, I was several confirmed glass pieces that have this decor as Kralik. It's not Ruckl, and has nothing in common with Ruckl, if I may state my opinion based on my study and glass collection. Here are a few images that confirm a Kralik ID, the mark was just a bonus.
    5. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago

      MY WISH FOR 2019: That we remember on CW that no matter how experienced and confident we are , there will be times when an opportunity to learn something new will present itself. Welcome it. Your foundation of knowledge is always in flux, often from the most unlikely source.

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