Posted 6 years ago
(3478 items)
Oh no not another die cast model! Sorry but I got a bunch of them. After buying a bunch I bought another bunch. This is from bunch #1. 2 more to go from this bunch and then 5 for the next bunch including a 1:24 scale trailer with detailed interior.
As to this model it is another 1:64 in size but more likely 1:43 in scale. Looks like it is 15 foot trailer. Hmmm seems it is only 12 feet long.
This model is in a natural steel and sea foam green also it is the pattern actually used by Catolac. This model is especially nice as it has some nice features that some of the other models lack. The awning is the most noticeable and it is very well done with the stripe. Next is the adjustable sun screen in the front. Put it up to let some light in or down for privacy or travel. Their is a pair of propane tanks in the front. All these models have a propane tank or two. And the crank in front is adjustable to lever the model.
Next will either be more fish, dinosaurs or maybe something a bit older.
Thank you
Oh, that's a really nice one!!
Thank you very much Scott.
I love trailers, these Greenlights grow on you. Great detail and they nail the period colors that are key to making them appeal to me so much. They beg for some pink flamingoes IMO.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Yes I am getting addicted to them despite them being new. They do have seem to have captured the vintage look. Will see about getting some flamingos.
I would love this in full size :-) Very cool . I know there are places that are remaking these customized to look like the 50s . My friend travels in one like it in red . Love your miniature set
Thank you very much Manikan. I want one too. Saw they are making reproductions of some of these old trailers including the interior.
Cool....I'm currently restoring a similar life size to pull behind my '55 Nomad...same color.... :)
Thank you very much buckethead. I look forward to see it sounds mega cool.
Thank you