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Czech glass - Zipper #1

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Bohemian Art Glass1339 of 6681Czech glass - Zipper #4New Year Same Direction - Increase The A. Ruckl & Sons Czech Glass Knowledge: Part I - Post 1950
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (236 items)

    In efforts to separate the zipper patterns into separate groups here is the next post- Satin Zippers. The colors are marbled through the piece with a vertical tooling that gives pieces a wild Zig-zag look. This type only comes on satin finished glass and the shapes seem unique. They are also distinct by because the pieces use a crystal and not an opaque base color- giving a beautiful effect inside and out.

    The signatures are silver or bronze (as seen in the last picture); I call these the "smile" signature. The smile signature can also be found on some Kralik decors but this attribution is very tentative because the decors are not definitively Kralik. I would categorize these zippers as unknown until more shape matches are made.

    Categorized by color schemes (although some colors are shared between them)
    1- Most common is the orange/green
    2- Blue/orange
    3- Sky blue/ yellow
    4- Signatures

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 6 years ago
      I just adore the pieces on legs and the lidded jars. Flights of fancy or what!!!
    2. jericho jericho, 6 years ago
      they do look and feel very nice.

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