Posted 6 years ago
(649 items)
Thanks to nifty sleuthing by co-founder Deb Fitzsimmons, we are finally able to answer a nagging question regarding the pink diaspora examples that have puzzled us for years. Namely, the difference in technique between how the candia and green examples of diaspora are made (molded) vs. how the pink (and certain green) ones are constructed. The craters in the original diaspora line are created by blowing into a mold with spherical projections. The iridescence on these covers the entire surface uniformly. The pink examples, however, have craters that are formed differently - the craters are actually holes in an outer silver/yellow iridescent layer. It is this top layer that is highly iridescent. We were finally able to find matches in the paper patterns to document that pink diaspora is actually another decor altogether. The name of that decor is Orbulin, and it comes in pink, creta, and green. For more examples of Orbulin, see the Orbulin page on here:
That's amazing.
Of my 13 diaspora I have only 1 moved to Orbulin (also pink).
Great example you have, Ales! Now, my goal is to find a green one out there some day.
Warren, you may have forgotten to mention, that cobalt blue 'Orbulin' is known, too.
I think all my Pink Diaspora is Orbulin! I'll post.
Great find! Glad to finally identify Orbulin!
Kai, I don't think so - unless there are some photos I missed. The cobalt blue examples on are molded Diaspora.