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A rare Harrach Gothic Revival Cup-Up pair

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kivatinitz's loves989 of 8827ART bee brooch Hand blown glass goblet
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (87 items)

    To put this 'Cup-Up' pair into some historical context, a very short survey of the 'Historism' is given. After the 'Biedermeier' or 'Early Victorian' time 1815-1848, there followed a series of short living styles repeating earlier classical periods. It started by the 'Gothic-' and continued then by 'Renaissance-, Barock- and Rococo-Revival styles. 'Cup-Up' combinations were popular since the 'Biedermeier' time. The 'Gothic-Revival' peaked about 1825-1840 and the 'Neo-Gothic' architecture was applied world wide, consider eg the 'House of Parliament with Big Ben' in London. The transparently enameled 'Neo-Gothic' glass windows are very well known, as are coloured glass vases, mainly ruby-red, cobalt-blue and green clear glass, cased by a white opake tin-enamele, which is cut such, as to give rise to clear coloured gothic windows, the white enamele is usually painted by small flowers, birds or portraits.
    Doing some research on 'Gothic Revival' transparently enameled glass vases, dishes or goblets, similar to those shown here, no example at all could be found. My 'Cup-Up' is carefully cut into 10 faces and each face is transparently enameled into ruby-red windows with dark blue cruciform flowers, fleur-de-lis, acanthus leafes and ornamented by golden etch-ink remembering onto early incunabula or gothic chapels. Especially the bottom of the beaker looks like a gothic rosette window of a cathedral. In 'From Neuwelt to the Whole World' on page 146 fig.179 a goblet of clear glass with gilded scrollwork comparable to the gilded scrollwork near top and bottom of my 'Cup-Up' pair is shown and therefrom as a possible producer Harrach is deduced. I would be very interested in seeing similar items of other collectors.
    The 'Cup-Up' is H=22 cm, the ewer H=20.5, D=10.5 cm and the cup H=11, D=7.5 cm.

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    1. Gillian, 6 years ago
      WoW these are amazing. The colours and patterns are stunning. Thanks too for the write up, it's very interesting.
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Magnificent is the word that comes to my mind.
    3. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      a touch of pugin a touch class kai ,,, we have an example of pugin's magic in newcastle
      all the very best malkey
    4. kairomalte, 6 years ago
      Thank you for all your kind coments and loves

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