Posted 6 years ago
(3643 items)
Wait a moment let me pull out my
Calculator’ things just don’t add up ...
reservations menu and daily specials at Café Dégas
Tips,,,,don’t play the game to long and
Don’t drink scotch while using
Scotch tape
The Sheaffer's ink cartridge box in the background is something I recently wondered about. they still make them?
The pens and their ink, contained in a plastic cartridge, eliminated the sometimes messy procedure of loading ink into a regular ink pen.
Having a Sheaffer pen at school was a big deal back then (early 60s, for my grade level, just allowed to write with ink).
It made me want to write especially carefully to avoid mid-spellings and to write with almost no pressure on the pen-point. Memories!
Watchsearcher,,,, Yes I also Grew up
With liquid ,plastic ink cartridges
I don’t think they sell them anymore