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Murano? Or? Small Art Glass Bowl

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Art Glass4347 of 227872019 Promise: Increase The A. Ruckl & Sons Czech Glass Knowledge Amethyst Opalescent Art GLass Vase - Murano (?) Loetz (?)
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (593 items)

    This was one of my Flea Market finds on Saturday 01/26/2019. It's a 4 3/8"w x 1 5/8"h pink glass cased in clear with swirls of gold flex, and elongated bubbles on the exterior, it's unmarked with a ground flat and polished pontil. There was another different shaped piece, in the same style, but was grabbed up, when I was looking at this one! Darn! :^( I know who got it though! B^o
    My question, is this Murano Art Glass, and if so by who? Or, who made it? Easy enough I hope! :^D I'm not sure, and couldn't find something similar to compare it with! Any help is appreciated!

    Thank you for looking, and all comments are welcome! :^)

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Thank you both Thomas, and SEAN68, for taking a look and giving some love for what you saw! :^)
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Hey Brian, and hunterqlee, thanks to you both for the love you gave! :^)
    3. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 6 years ago
      Looks right for a mid century Murano piece. Maker? Could be a number of Glass Blowers from that time period.
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Thanks Dizzydave, that's my thinking too! :^D

      Thank you all for stopping by for a look, and the love for what you saw,
      and Dizzydave, it's very nice to get, and appreciated! :^)
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Thank you Watchsearcher, for the love! :^)

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