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What kind of knives are these?

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    These were given to me in a box full of other knives and mostly decorative weapons. I am just curious about what type of knives they are or what they might be based off of.
    Also they were in this condition when i received them and are being cleaned and sharpened soon.

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    1. UncleRon UncleRon, 6 years ago
      Unless you plan to use these knives they do NOT need to be sharpened. They should be rubbed with a lightly oiled cloth, dried off, and left as-is.
    2. MoroBroketusk, 6 years ago
      The blade on the one with the curved handle is badly pitted.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 6 years ago
      Agree with not sharpening-- it will hurt value.

      Can you add some additional photos of the one on the bottom. A photo of the pommel (back of the handle) and the sheath to show the belt loop would be helpful.

      Any markings?

    4. MoroBroketusk, 6 years ago
      There are no markings or stamp on the blades. The bottom one has a stud on the pommel holding the wood in place. I do not think that sheath was originally for that knife.
    5. UncleRon UncleRon, 6 years ago
      It is unfortunate that the blade is pitted but it's a good-looking, if not terribly valuable, knife and is still worth more to a serious collector with the pitting than if the blade were to be re-surfaced to remove the pitting. After oiling, active rust can be gently scraped off with the blade of another knife, but be careful not to scrape so hard that you scratch the darkened surface of the blade which has taken decades to develop. This knife is probably from the Philippines or a nearby area. BTW: the handle is cattle/buffallo horn, not wood.

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