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old heavy chromed cast iron 'flag stand'

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Nearly 18 lbs. of 'heavy' that is, a little under 12" across and about 4" high. Made of chrome (?) plated cast iron, with a decorative star pattern cast into its domed topside. Underneath are the words "ANNIN & CO. NEW YORK" and (stock/part/casting/mold?) number "12-S".

    Recovered years ago from inside an old pipe organ, where it had literally been serving (for who knows how many more previous years) as 'dead weight'. It caught my eye (even in the dark underneath yrs of dust) because it was nonetheless also a "shiny object". ;-) I actually thought it was an old hubcap at first glance until I reached over to pick it up [nope, not that?!] then it eventually 'followed me home' after I subsequently located another suitable 18# worth of (much more boring) cast iron to replace it with. :-)

    Until re-looking at it again recently, I'd sorta thought it might be the bottom of an old microphone stand -- but the ANNIN & CO. name seems to be that of a rather historic New York flagmaker -- so a 'flag stand' it is, I guess...??

    As long as I keep it somewheres where I won't find it with my toe in the middle of the night, I suppose I'll maybe find *something* for it to hold up again, one of these days...?? <lol>

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      THANK YOU to: SEAN68, hunterqlee, fortapache, Newfld, Horseradishman1, Sinnomore, ho2cultcha, Brunswick, & elanski for stopping by and tapping the <love it> button!! :-) :-) :-)

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