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Medals Pins and Badges438 of 1690Buffalo NY Gold Police MedalBOBS The Nations Hero, Victoria Souvenir medal, Mid 20 Century
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hello - hoping someone can help me identify these 4 pins. My mother and I found them while we were cleaning out my grandmother’s jewelry box. She has dementia and doesn’t remember what they are from. Someone mentioned that they looked military, so thought this would be a good place to start!

    There are four pins, one with one star, one with two stars, one with three stars, and one with four stars. Any ideas?

    Mystery Solved
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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      Maybe something from "The Salvation Army"...??
    2. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 6 years ago
      Seems to be a number of them on the internet for sale and nobody else knows what they are for/from either.
    3. Sinnomore, 6 years ago
      could be salvation army sobriety pins or AA each star stands for one year of sobriety...???
    4. kordertv, 6 years ago
      Someone made a comment about it being a factory award. I now believe it’s a SWIFT AND COMPANY service pin, with the stars being an indication of length of service, maybe one star for 5 or 10 years. My father worked for Swift’s for many years.
    5. Sinnomore, 6 years ago
    6. Cincigator, 6 years ago
      That's it! Thanks so much everyone!

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