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Old Studebaker Bros. Water Wagon Wheel Hub

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (392 items)

    This is what's left of an antique wooden water wagon that was on Crawford's farm on the Cape. The farm was in the family for over 200 years. He passed 10 years ago at 96!!! In the 60's 70's We used to work the farm,fish and hunt there as kids!!! Being city boys going down in the summer and weekends in the winter!!! Was heaven!!! The water wagon was there as long as I can remember!!! Somebody burned it up in the 80's!!! The land was sold off!! Now million dollar homes there!! Can't go back but still have the memories!!!
    Wagon and Wheels were made by Studerbaker Bros. Wagon Co before they got into cars and trucks!!!

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    1. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      Thanks Brunswick for the info!!!
    2. Sinnomore, 6 years ago
      You cutting new spokes for it ..."" cool find
    3. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      Wish I could but I have to get Wreal and know I'll never get a ROUND to it!!!
    4. Sinnomore, 6 years ago
    5. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      Wow!!! Crawfords Water Wagon looked a lot like that one in pic!!! just not as fancy!!! We would walk past it going to the pond to fish or work the farm!! Being young we never thought much about it!!! One thing Crawford taught us was EMPTY ARMS IS A WASTED TRIP!!! We would be going down to fish he said to carry a bucket and pick up stones in the plowed field and on the way back put them in the driveway and bring in firewood for the stove!!!! Many stories about that farm!!! and Crawford!!! Never married and died a Millionare Hermit with a working outhouse!!! No toilet or bathtub!!! Just got his water from a pumphouse.
      Thanks again for the Site to view!!!
    6. percheron, 5 years ago
      I have a Studebaker water wagon that I am restoring . One of the wheels is missing , and I am trying to find a hub to build a new wheel on . I think you have the hub that I have been searching for ! Would you consider selling me your hub , I desperately need it to finish the restoration on this wagon ?
    7. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 5 years ago
      Please Post pictures of your project and I'll see if my hub would like a new home!!
    8. percheron, 5 years ago
      I posted pictures of my Studebaker wagon on here so everyone can see it . This is going to be a fun project , this one will be a little more strait forward in restoring . Just gotta find that hub for a wheel to be built !
    9. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 5 years ago
      Great wagon see my post!! If it's the right one just pay shipping and it's yours!!! Crawford would have loved seeing it rolling again.

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