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Welz? Vase

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (23 items)

    While I was posting the other pictures this vase came in the mail. It was being sold as Harrach, but it looks more Welz like to me. It has an inner yellow layer followed by white then the red spatter with very scattered pieces of I believe silver aventurine flecks covered in an amber layer. It has pinkish enamel flowers and stems and the leaves are outlined in the same color, with the leaves being highlight with gold along the outline and also making leaf veins. The top was originally covered with gold and is mostly gone. The handles are clear and highlighted with gold. It is about 7.25 inches. Any thoughts?

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    1. welzebub welzebub, 6 years ago
      Yes, I believe this is a Welz decor and a Welz vase. Great find!!

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