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Antique tiger oak barley twist tall boy dresser wit his mirror

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi, yesterday I Was at one of my local thrift store and can across the Beautiful barely twist tiger oak dresser dresser with mirror it’s was recently reduced price of $150 I was considering purchasing it as I never seen a dress like this but would like to know if it’s worth it and more about it like it’s value age thanks thanks for viewing/reading.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Take it home !!
    2. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      Ha ha, I love Phil's' comment! I agree with him too. It's in great condition and the swivel mirror is still with it.
    3. Tangoes Tangoes, 6 years ago
      Yes the overall condition is very good for its age but sorry I don’t have pictures of the damage claw feet there’s some parts of the claw feet missing.
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      There are still restorers who will have parts carved. I needed some done a while back.

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