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two old U.S. ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT restaurantware bowls

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Restaurant Ware36 of 112Mayer china1937 McNicol China U.S. Army Medical Serving Plate
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Teevo421 showed his nice oval plate with the same pattern/insignia yesterday, and as soon as I saw it I thought I recognized it -- it took some digging thru dusty boxes this afternoon but I just *knew* I had this pair of old bowls somewhere?!! I've had 'em for years, no doubt from a junk store or someplace simply because (like Teevo, apparently?) they just appealed to me as "old" and "cool".

    They are both 5-1/4" across, and unlike Teevo's plate are marked as made by SHENANGO CHINA of NEWCASTLE, PA. without any other date/pattern#. I don't know exactly how old they are but wouldn't be surprised if they're 1930's-40's -- frankly they've both got assorted chips/crazing/wear to suggest they've served *many, many* helpings of applesauce or green beans or whatever during their previous life...?? ;-) :-) :-)

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    1. Teevo421 Teevo421, 6 years ago
      Sweet, thanks for posting this 'Obscure'.
      I've found Several Companies that made these plates for the US Army . Ranging from 1932-to-1954. Shenango, Sterling, Tepco , Jackson, Mayer, McNicol China all made this Dishware with slight variations in design. Although I have yet to find a Serving Platter (this Old) made by McNicol. You should try to Date yours 'AnythingObscure' I've read the Shenango Line is the most Rare and Oldest of the makers.
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      THANKS SO MUCH to fortapache, keramikos, and Teevo421 for your <love it>s -- and ESPECIALLY to keramikos and Teevo421 for taking time to offer your FUN (not to mention 'informative?!) comments!!! <applause> <smile> I've definitely got some further reading/research 'to do' with all that -- these bowls are my only pieces with this Army pattern, but I know I've also got further SHENANGO commercial china in my kitchen cabinets [as well as stuff from most of the rest of those names on your list Teevo] that it certainly wouldn't hurt me to learn more about?!!

    3. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      I think I have a piece of this, but not sure where it is at the moment.
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 6 years ago
      i have some navy medical plates, spoons, forks, knives, cups - all from around WWII.

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