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    Posted 6 years ago

    (7 items)

    If it weren't for the large patches of white in the back I would've said it's a deer. But, at least not around here, haven't seen any deer with this coloring. Looks too small to be a reindeer so I'm out of guesses.

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    1. Sinnomore, 6 years ago
      Dead ...??
    2. Sinnomore, 6 years ago
      Well, I;ve seen all white deer and spotted deer .. looks like gramp's was using a 45/70 and had enough ammo for a herd of & poor johnny wanted a ride on it ...smiling ... cool pictures
    3. SpiritBear, 6 years ago
      Ugh, they shot down father Christmas's sleigh!
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 6 years ago
      did it have a red nose?!

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