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teeny tiny old advertising tins #3, ANACIN ANALGESIC TABLETS

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Advertising Tins112 of 657Very Large Tin for Picnicking?teeny tiny old advertising tins #2, OXWELD RENEWAL FLINTS
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1778 items)

    This one's probably 1960's-70's, but I admit I don't know for certain. It probably also isn't particularly 'uncommon' in any way, in fact I'm thinking that (without going back to look) fellow CW member Vynil33rpm has recently shown one or three similar. :-)

    It first held 12 ANACIN tablets, as made by WHITEHALL PHARMACAL COMPANY of New York NY. Basic usage info on its backside with the helpful 'tip' that larger containers are also available printed on the inside of its lid, instead of pain relief pills it now has ended up spuriously holding a few old razor blades.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      <LOLOL> too, Thomas!! For the record, I confess I sorta did think that same 'ironic' (albeit also macabre) thought for a fleeting moment while writing the post, but didn't include it... <giggle>

      More THANKS to: Vynil33rpm, yougottahavestuff, fortapache, Newfld, Brunswick, & officialfuel for tapping your <love it> buttons!! :-) :-) :-)
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      I suppose taking "1-2 tablets every 3 hours" as recommended, you would need that larger size pretty soon.
      I do remember little tins like this where you had to press the corner to make the lid pop open.

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