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Display Horse, Rocking Horse, Pendulum Horse

In Animals > Horses > Show & Tell.
Horses154 of 602I've adored this piece of artwork since I was a child. Horse head brooch, Ciner style
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (61 items)

    This is a very unusual Carousel "style" balancing horse display. The extremely detailed horse sits on a stand with a very heavy pendulum. A push will cause the horse to appear to be jumping over the stand back and forth for about a minute. Neatly hidden on the inside of the stand, as well as peeking out from the rear of the saddle is an angel. Maker and origin unknown. I would love to hear from anyone with more information on this piece. Stands about 38" high by 24" wide.

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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      That is a really neat horse!
    2. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
    3. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
    4. Renetucaz, 6 years ago
      Were you able to find info on your horse? I just bought one....can’t find any info...mine has an eagle at back of saddle
    5. CanCollect CanCollect, 6 years ago
      Renetucaz: That's exciting!! No I still haven't found any information on where they might have been made, or how old they are. I'd love to see photos of yours, hope you post! If you find anything on the maker, be sure to let me know!
    6. Renetucaz, 6 years ago
      Uploaded pictures on this site under title Pendulum Rocking Horse.
    7. Renetucaz, 6 years ago
      Found another similar....

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