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Wise Owl Coin Operated Trade Stimulator/Napkin Dispenser

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Coin Operated242 of 12681946 Wurlitzer 3020 Wallbox, Jukebox SelectorThe Montreal City and District Savings Bank
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (61 items)

    This is a "Wise Owl Quizzette" Napkin Dispenser, trade stimulator. These were made in the early 1950s and meant to sit on your typical Diner table to dispense napkins. Customers could insert one penny to answer a "trivia/I.Q testing question". After inserting a penny, and pulling down the lever, the machine dispenses a small card with a question on it, and a corresponding score if you answer correctly. The hitch is, the correct answer is printed on the NEXT card, along with another question which prompts customers to keep inserting their pennies. It was a great way for restaurants to make money off the "free" dinner napkins they provided at each table, and fun for the customers to play.

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