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Overhauled 1st Production Hubley 495 Fighter-Bomber 9th AAF

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Model Airplanes95 of 262Hubley 467 Navy Fighter Overhauled as a Brewster F2A BuffaloBachmann Mini-PlanesGrumman F4F Wildcat 1970s
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (83 items)

    Hubley produced a winner with this 495 Fighter-Bomber. They grabbed features of many designs that were produced withing a days travel from Southeast Pennsylvania. The fuselage and tail assembly is Republic P-47 (Long Island, NY), the wing shape Curtiss P-40 (Buffalo, NY) and the wing fold mechanism was Grumman F6F Hellcat (Bethpage, NY) .
    This particular toy was produced in the first production run that the cowling was smooth on top and had a simpler lock to attach the engine assembly to the fuselage. By request, this was overhauled as a P-47D from the 9th AAF that flew in Europe during WW2.
    It features:
    1) Polished Surfaces
    2) Painted Detailed Fuselage
    3) Detailed engine front and prop
    3) Additional Insignia

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    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      That's outstanding. I collect 495's.
      Work of art finish.
    2. ohmyflyguy, 6 years ago
      Thanks Toyrebel and FortApache!!

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