Posted 6 years ago
(3475 items)
Toilet cream is how I have always kept my skin soft and manageable. Actually not so much. Apparently toilet cream was a more attractive name in the long ago. This product first appeared in 1906 back when I believe the toilet was the bathroom as opposed to the bathroom bowl. I recall old commercials always called it the bathroom bowl instead of a toilet.
The company was E. C. DeWitt and Co. Inc. Companies had long and distinguished names back then.
The price of this is 25 cents which is printed on the label which made stocking the shelves a bit easier. If I could figure out when something like this would cost a quarter I could figure out when it was made. It has a screw off cap so this would not be an early bottle. My guess is 50 75 years old.
Sweet old neat Relic from the Bathroom !!
Hmm still some left ...just add a little water shake and your ready to go ...'-)) I'm sure it can hurt ya nice find.
Interesting find. I'm guessing that's also where the term "Toilet Water" came from as well in reference to cologne or perfume.
Thank you very much antiquerose.
Thank you very much Recordmantime. Might take a lot of shaking.
Thank you very much Scott. Looks like keramikos has that covered.
Thank you very much keramikos. I think you covered it pretty well.
Thank you
Thank you burtmacklin.
Thank you SEAN68.
Oh MY MY MY, but the myriad of...ummm..."potential purposes" of such a little bottle of 'stuff' could be, when its label is read with a more modern mindset and noting the complete lack of any clue towards its usage or ingredients...?
['ya want me to put that on my WHAT, WHERE??? oh, H*LL NO...]
Thank you very much AO. I take it you would like some toilet cream.