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Loetz PG 7501 claret jug in mountain blue (?) with sterling duck-billed lid

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Bohemian Art Glass1264 of 6681Loetz Creta Glatt vase with pulled handles, design for Bakalowits, ca. 1903Loetz PN I-7503/9"
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (95 items)

    My latest arrival, a lovely claret jug in PG 7501. The mount is hallmarked with the bust of Minerva and what I believe is the French mark of Paul Bouton & Cie. dating from 1896 -1904. The body is either PN I-7906 ca. 1899 or its analog PN II-108 ca. 1900.

    The glass appears to be clear with pulled threads that are a beautiful blue color. They are then covered with a layer of rainbow iridescence. The body is 8.5" tall x 5" diameter.

    The duck-billed silver lid is a shield surrounded by oak leaves and acorns. Inside the lid and neck are brass or gold.

    Can't wait to have a glass of wine. I am guessing it will taste better in Loetz glass ; )

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    1. LauraH LauraH, 6 years ago
      Great find!! Congrats!
    2. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      just adore the feathering & the silver top pure luxury
      thanks for sharing sammy
      all the very best malkey
    3. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Hi MALKEY! Glad you like it! What a beauty!

      Thanks LauraH!
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 6 years ago
      The colors in this piece are just amazing - your second photo of the glass in detail is mesmerizing! I hope you really enjoy that glass of wine! :)
    5. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Thanks Craig! Thanks Michelle! Yes, the wine was good! I love the delicate way this decanter pours. The second pic was taken sitting on a windowsill with the light streaming through the glass. What a beautiful color!
    6. PSAV360, 6 years ago
      If there were two I love it so I could have just pushed I would have that is fantastic
    7. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago

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