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Loetz Creta Glatt vase with pulled handles, design for Bakalowits, ca. 1903

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Bohemian Art Glass1525 of 6913Mystery Bohemian Cameo & enamelled vase. Help greatly appreciated.Loetz PG 7501 claret jug in mountain blue (?) with sterling duck-billed lid
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (649 items)

    Designers Jutta Sika and Robert Holubetz were both students of Kolo Moser. Both of them designed vessels with these types of handles, which are pulled from the rim and attached to the sides of the vessel. This shape (PN unknown) has been seen elsewhere in the "Luna" decor, which was a Loetz decor specifically made for Bakalowits. So, to extrapolate - this appears to be a shape made by Loetz for Bakalowits and conceived of by either Robert Holubetz or Jutta Sika. The decor is Creta Glatt (smooth), and it also emits an eerie glow under a long wave black light (see last photo).

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 6 years ago
      SUBTLE BEAUTY !!!!,!!!!,!!!!
    2. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Nice form!
    3. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 6 years ago
      That is so so so delightful. Jaw droppingly beautiful. It is as gorgeous as a bloom one has been waiting for and then........... there it is. I can't believe the emotion it sparks, It isn't a shade, and yet... :O) Thank you for sharing.

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