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Old Lightning Rod with D&S milk glass globe mounted on old wood Foundry Mold

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Tools and Hardware2464 of 9815Knife, planerPat. 1900 No 760 Machinist Tool???
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (230 items)

    Hi collectors! the other day was the 1st warm day at 60* so I took a drive and ended up at my favorite Antique Store called Jeddo Mills, an actual old Grist Mill. The owner has had 2 of these Lightning rods for some time so I finally decided to buy one seeing as I didn't have one in my collection, now I'll be looking for more especially the colorful globes. I like how he used the old foundry mold for a base! have fun collecting!

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    1. EJW-54 EJW-54, 6 years ago
      Thankyou Thomas! Enjoy your Day!

    2. Manikin Manikin, 6 years ago
      What a great find ! Awesome and useful too :-) never know when lightning will strike
    3. EJW-54 EJW-54, 6 years ago
      Thankyou!! Manikin! Hope it doesn't strike us! Hmm... maybe I should get it out of the house .. LOL

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