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French Trunk

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Trunks460 of 2669Flat top trunk refinishedSteamer  Trunk, Corbin Bros. lock
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (64 items)

    PRETOT “Evolution “A banded French ( red vellum )trunk somewhere between 1912 thru to 1920s or so. Needs some repair minor repairs, the brass hardware (“Jewelry “ to the French malletiers) on it should polish up nicely. It will be some work but worth saving .Comes from the center of Paris 32 Rue du Quattro Septembre , Coin place De L’Opera

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 6 years ago
      I do love this one Drill! I've became very partial to French trunks over the years. This one is GREAT!!
    2. Drill Drill, 6 years ago
      It should clean up ok , but there are some condition issues that have to be dealt with in order to bring it back from the brink. I do love the French ones as well. It is because they made far fewer than American makers. In addition their manufacturers were predominantly smaller concerns., and regional. American trunk makers were in full swing during the industrial revolution churning them out by the thousands.France only had a few makers with that capability. The brass used was a much better quality plating process then as well.

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