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Camille Flammarion - Le Fin Du Monde (The End of the World)

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Science Fiction Books26 of 35Dell 305, Invasion from Mars: Interplanetary Stories "Les enfants du Capitaine Grant" and "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers"
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    A lovely book, picked up from the local charity shop. I am very hapy to be reading in my schoolboy French the story of how this owrld will end. By the man who has craters on Mars ans the Moon named after him - a true legend of Sci Fi and Sci non-Fi.

    Happy I am to hold it (gently with clean hands).

    1894 First Edition, of course. Engravings are astonishing, a glimpse ofthe future that is already here. Including a prototype of the internet, what Flammarion called the Telfonoskopi - a vision of the future/present through an electric telescope set up in his bedroom. Fantastic, and oddly real...

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    1. ulfsurfer, 13 years ago
      Simply stunning!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Amazing! Flammarion is a name familiar to all Francophyles! His brother founded the famous Groupe Flammarion, on of the great printing houses of France.
      And this Flammarion - Camille has a crater on the Moon, a crater on Mars and an Asteroid: 1021 Flammario all named after him.
      That's pretty good, in my humble opinion!

      And he discovered the engraving named after him too that has been used for years as a summative picture of the mediaeval enquiring mind:

      Seventy eight of the engravings are here:
      Thanks for sharing this great item!

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