Posted 6 years ago
(3457 items)
This graniteware pail or pot or whatever it is rather large. It is about 11" tall and 11" wide. There are no scorch marks on the underside so I am thinking it was for removing human waste from the house. People think that in the long ago one had to go to the outhouse to relieve one's self but it is not so! There were chamber pots and chairs that held them. One could do their business inside in comfort and take it outside to the outside later. The design of those pots were typically like this. But then again it could be for something else. People often use these old pots for masking stews so let's just not tell them about this.
Graniteware started in 1885. Swirl patterns like this were out of style by 1920. Thus the guestimate of 1900.
All you say is very true! I actually lived thru a few years of my early childhood with a chamber pot under the edge of the bed. With outhouses some distance from the house for obvious reasons, you didn’t want to go there after dark unless you were a man; women and children would rather use the chambr pot and empty it the next morning.
Thank you very much Brunswick. Rocking the blue.
Thank you very much Watchsearcher. I would not want to go out at night. In Alaska a lot of the cabins use out houses, definitely would not want to go out at night there.
Thank you very much keramikos. We have a lot of animals around here, bears, mountain lions, skunks and more.
Thank you
Thank you dlpetersen.
It's in great shape, the condition amazes me being from that era. Maybe the family had a history of constipation? I love the items from the past, but I am grateful for the indoor plumbing and air conditioning of today. My grandparents in Oklahoma had updated plumbing in their house but still had a classic outhouse on the property, it was unbelievably funky in the summer. This item is a nice find in this condition.
As I recall, they didn’t get much rough handling ;-)
so they would last indefinitely and still look like new.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Yes graniteware tends to get easily damaged as it is a glass coating. This has a few flea bites but is near mint. That is one way I can spot the repro stuff from China. That and the Chinese pieces have a splatter pattern.
Yes Watchsearcher you wouldn't want to drop this especially if full.
Thank you SEAN68.
PS keramikos so far I only know of one encounter here where a woman finally got it to back off. But they are here. One took a german sheppard out of a back yard. They show up on the game pro camera footage. Bears are more common but no attacks yet.
Thank you
Yup! We called it a "Thunder Jug". They would slide right under the bed out of the way. Sure beat going out in the snow to make a deposit.
Thank you very much fhrjr2. A simple solution to the trip to the outhouse. This large one looks like something the smaller ones would be emptied into to.
Thank you