Posted 6 years ago
(3478 items)
Starting off with the boring part of how I figured out 1967-1968. The MB 55 Ford Galaxy Police Car was in the catalog from 1966-1970. It was sold in an E Style Box through the 1968 catalog. The end flap is the E4 end flap which is 1967-1968, most likely 1968.
This is the third of the MB-55s and the second MB-55 Police Car. The first was the Ford Fairlane Police car seen in the last photo.
An interesting point about this model is that was also released as the MB 59 Fire Chief Car in both versions as seen in photos 3 and 4.
As this is a 1966 models it does not have any features such as opening door, hood, etc. It does have a driver and is larger than the Fairlane version. Looks like one of the major features was the size increase in all the models introduced in 1966.
Great police car & love the group shot of the three, you can almost hear the sirens!
...and with the original boxes :-)
Thank you very much Newfld. Helps if I make the siren noise.
Thank you very much Rulandma. 3 out of 4 boxes.
Thank you
Always look forward to Matchbook Monday
I love police/fire/utility vehicles, these are some nice examples. I really like fd car, I guess it's neat to see one of them because more cop cars are produced compared to fd cars. My father had a Galaxie company car that looks a lot this. It's been a while and the cars had similar appearance so I can't remember the exact year. It had a huge open area in dash on the front passenger side to give you a lot of room. Long story short, I was riding with my father one time and he rear ended a car, not super fast but at a decent pace. I hit the windshield with the top of my head and bounced back against the seat! I hit the seat so hard that it threw me forward so I wound up on my knees but sitting up in that big passenger area. I only had a small knot on my head with real small cut. I put a decent crack across an appreciable distance in the windshield. These days it would be a major trauma session over that today. But the old man just asked;"Are you ok, Bill?". I just said; "I guess so, but I'm sort of trying to figure out what just happened(it WAS like a blur)!" I think that expansive new area with the recessed dash kept me from hitting face first where the dash was in the majority of cars then.
Thank you very much elanski. It shall continue!
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Yes not too many Fire Chief cars, now days they use trucks. Yes in the old days we were made a sterner stuff. , walk it off and all that. That is how I still do it if possible.
Thank you
Thank you purvis.
Thank you Trey.