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Old oil lamp no ID

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Oil Lamps88 of 875Regal Iris oil lampHelp ID oil lamp
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (10 items)

    Picked this lamp up a few years back in a antique store in Montana. Originally had a #3 duplex burner which I removed. I replaced it with a electric burner so I could enjoy lighted effects of the lamp. No holes drilled and could be back in it's original condition in minutes. There are no maker mark's anywhere. I searched the web and found similar lamps with a wide range of manufacturing dates. My best guess at age would be 1900 plus or minus 20 years. Looks like bronze but is probably spelter. If anyone knows anything about this lamp the information would be appreciated.

    Thanks for looking

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Definitely Spelter. This is not bronze. I used to know a woman called Katherine Thuro and prob still have her phone #, but she wrote 3 hardcover books on these type of lamps and your library where you are probably have them or can get them from one of their affiliates.
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      Is the device to the lower right side of the lamp actually part of the lamp?
      Is “electric burner” a light bulb or something else?
    3. Pete99, 6 years ago
      Thank you PhilDMorris
      I think I will give the library a try.
    4. Pete99, 6 years ago
      Thank you for your interest Watchsearcher
      The item in the lower right corner is much older spouted lamp with a finger hold and
      thumb rest. The lamp is eliminated with a 9 watt led bulb.
    5. Pete99, 6 years ago
      Please excuse the spelling on the last post, my spell checker decided to change illuminated
    6. Celiene Celiene, 6 years ago
      You can get her books on ebay & online, too! I googled her, she's Catherine with a 'C'! Catherine M.V. Thuro.
    7. Pete99, 6 years ago
      Thank you Celiene
    8. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      Lol--I'm just glad it was not eliminated, especially after surviving intact all these years! Beautiful lamp!

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