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Victorian Eastlake Marble Top Table / Unknown Maker & Age

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1232 items)

    My sister finally came for a week long visit this past week. She was able to stay in the house for the first time since she purchased it last October. I finally had the downstairs bedroom finished for her and the living room and dining room are mostly done as well. The rest of the house is still under renovation including the kitchen and bath but still usable. The upstairs still is an ongoing project for this Summer.
    We spent the week shopping and came across this beautiful table at my favorite Salvation Army. Exactly what we wanted for the house and only 20 bucks !! One of the legs had cracked along the grain but a little wood glue solved that problem. Not sure if this is an antique ( Berkey & Gay ) or an older reproduction. I didn't see any makers marks on it. The porcelain casters were also missing but the holes are there for them. The marble top shows age but no major stains or chipping and it weighs a ton. I think the base is walnut and it does have burl inserts around the top edge and legs which are very nice.
    The last picture is of the pond and boat dock last Summer. The owner cut down all the cat-tails before we closed on the house. I hope they grow back this Summer. I liked the natural look. It's not very big compared to our neighbor's but it's stocked with fish and they're fun to feed. We now have a pair of Canadian geese in residence. The female has a nest and we're waiting for our little family to appear. -Mike-

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    1. smiata smiata, 6 years ago
      Beautiful table!
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 6 years ago
      Thanks sure was a bargain antique or not. :)
    3. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      A lot of these years were cut down from tall tables to make coffee tables. What's it look like underneath?

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