Posted 6 years ago
(3469 items)
The bobcat is one of the less seen animals up here but they are here. Their favored times to be out are morning and evenings.
Bobcats are larger than a fox or coyote although the skull looks about the same size or smaller. I think that is because of the short muzzle. Bobcats don't use their jaws as much as the canine types. They have claws on all four feet. Those of you with cats may know how that is. Rub the cat's belly. It automatically goes to kill mode and you try to get your arm back before you have to go to the emergency room.
Looks like some very large eye orbits. This indicates excellent eye sight. Better than any of the other four skull examples here which are the racoon, fox and coyote. Bobcats also have excellent hearing as they listen for rodents underground.
Next will be a skunk or one of the other smaller animals for Taxidermy Tuesday. In the meantime I have 3 items for Weapons Wednesday will be seen over the next three weeks.
Great post fort, fascinating info about the bobcat & looking forward to the skunk
Thank you very much Newfld. Skunk is excited to be up next.
Thank you very much Brunswick. Always good to see one.
Thank you very much keramikos. They are indeed.
Thank you very much valentino97. I believe you are supposed to boil them first. ut yours is mostly done so perhaps just soak it in water with bleach powder. Supposedly liquid blech is too harsh. All the methods I see online re for freshly killed animals and not field finds.
Neg valentine. Just a quick note that it is diluted bleach they use for that. As I am lazy I would just use the Clorox Cleaner with Bleach as it is already diluted. All the stuff on the web is way to complex which always seems to be the case.
There may or may not be anything left of your bird. I tried to dig up a turtle once and nothing left.
Thank you
Thank you OLECODY.
Thank you mcheconi.
Thank you SEAN68.