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1928 Atwater Kent Model 70 Radio Cabinet/ Model 50 Radio Restored

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Atwater Kent Radios2 of 13Atwater Kent1929 Atwater Kent Restored
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (12 items)

    Found the Cabinet in a Antique Mall for "re-purposing" has water damage and no radio or speaker, screen was rotted and torn etc. veneer damaged the works. But it was just too beautiful to let someone paint it and store towels in it. :) I did find two Atwater Kent radios and speakers that I was able to cannibalize parts from and get one working set and tah-dah! Got it working. A lot of patience getting the warped top and veneer fixed (thank goodness for cheap towels and purified water and weights and kiddy pools). Fortunately the Door slides and handles were still there and there are good repro sources for the spreaker screen fabric. Some powdered stain and follow up with hand rubbed oil stain in brought it back to life. I finished it with Tung Nut Oil. This piece of true USA Techno History and Pennsylvania Industry will live on for a while in my living room and . Even found NOS spare tubes and Capacitors. They really built these sets to last back then.

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      I wanted to comment on this earlier at how awesome it is! Another fine job!
    2. esegal esegal, 6 years ago
      shareurpassion, Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate the support. I have many more projects to post in several categories.
    3. loverofoldthings77 loverofoldthings77, 6 years ago
      Awesome job!

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