Posted 6 years ago
(945 items)
Imagine how excited we were when a Collector friend sent the picture of this beautiful Colonial shield sign asking if we might want to buy it!!! That was last year and it took a while to finally get it hauled across the Globe, but here it is in the Lakeside Storage Museum. This makes 210 Signs on poles! Where else you gonna see that?
Colonial Petroleum began in 1921 and is still going strong, headquartered in Atlanta GA.
The graphics on this sign are awesome! Come take a drive by and check it out. Still free.
Wow . That’s got to be a rare one . Looks good in your collection.
Actually the earlier Colonial signs that we have are probably more rare but this one has the great graphics and tends to be very pricy as a result. We were fortunate and didn't overpay. Very lucky to find it
Happy Easter :)
Thanks and same to u. :)
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it. We love Pole Signs
Thx for the love it. Who'd a guessed that a back woods outfit like us would eventually accumulate the largest pole sign collection in the world?