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hunterqlee's loves1011 of 4877Old cut stonesPart 6  P-39 Airacobra Brooch  King Peter II June 1942  Visits Lawrence D. Bell, Founder of Bell Aircraft Co.
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (34 items)

    I would love any information on how I can find out when this was made. I have taken it down and looked all around and can’t find any markings. I remember my granny telling me something about it being Italian but I could be incorrect . Thanks for any info! I have tried to clean it with compressed air to blow the dust off. I have looked around at the Hollywood Regency era chandeliers and it defiantly could be . It almost has a palm frond look to the "arms" It has gold color or bronze color (under the layers of dust) with crystal flowers on top. Aprox size is 24" wide by 36" tall.

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      Wow! That is some chandelier! With so many crystals hanging, I would imagine it would have originally been quite expensive, and maybe even more so now!

      Welcome to CW. You may get an answer you are looking for here. Let me see if I can get a certain person to take a peek.
    2. loverofoldthings77 loverofoldthings77, 6 years ago
      Thank you for the welcome! So many beautiful and interesting things on this site! I’m so happy to have stumbled on this site !
    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      You are very welcome loverofoldthings. That name must mean you already love me! haha... I put out a link to one of our greats here, he will be along as soon as he can. If there is someone else that knows about them, that would be great too. What I do know is that yours is quite elaborate. I'm wondering if you can get some different angles. I'm sure that's not an easy task as it's most likely very heavy. Maybe during the daytime, you can get a good shot of the center piece for one, without the lights on. And if you could be a little more descriptive in your post, that will help too. You can always go back into it and to the left side, click "edit". Then you can remove some pics and add others, and you can also add to your description. I also have to say, I have had things of all sorts and never found one hint of a name on there, then one day, I look at it and bigger than you know what, there's a darn name as if it were playing games with my mind! It' s crazy. If it's at all possible, take it in the shade outside and give it a good look over. But first, you may want to try Hollywood Regency. Or better yet, see what Phil says cuz that could be a wrong name. Since your grandmother did say Italian, you could google vintage rococo. Yes, look up the last one I just gave you! Be sure you are sitting down!!!
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Night photos not the best. Need pics with normal daylight, showing more of the metal or closeup metal.
    5. Gillian, 6 years ago
      Would really love to see some photos right-side up. Thank you.
    6. bpaul, 5 years ago
      Could it be an early Murano? Better pictures are needed. Lovely intriguing piece!
      Thanks for sharing!
    7. VintageloverCHI, 4 years ago
      Hi there. I just purchased this exact lamp in green. Were you able to find any information on it?

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