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Loetz Russian Green Enameled Vase, Hofstötter Paris Form, Prod. Nr. II-368, ca. 1900

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (649 items)

    This form was designed for Loetz by Franz Hofstötter for the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle. The Exposition decor was Phänomen Genre 358; but Russian Green is also documented on this shape, and that is the color of this vase. There is a slight "innen silber" interior silver iridescence, as can be seen in the second photo. The enameled decoration is very ornate by Loetz standards, and based on stylistic comparisons to other Hofstötter decorations, I think there is a good chance that this enameled DEK is also designed by Hofstötter. The use of a small foot underneath creates the illusion of the vase floating in the air, a common device in these Hofstötter designs. Unsigned. This piece is about 8.5" tall, and about 5" wide. It's one of the most exciting shape/decoration combos I've ever found.

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    1. Wow22, 6 years ago
      Beyond fantastic! Looks a bit precarious on that tiny foot?
    2. larksel larksel, 6 years ago
      Wonderful. Congratulations. I am inclined to believe that the painting is designed by Franz Hofstötter. see my vase -
    3. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 6 years ago
      That's the beauty of the design; the foot is quite stable. :)

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