Posted 6 years ago
(389 items)
I went to a local spring swap meet yesterday and saw this neat glass jar. I asked the vendor if he was sure that it was a peanut jar.
He told me that it was in his grandfather's grocery store/meat market, located in center city Allentown.
He said that his grandfather also sold fresh roasted peanuts, and the jar held the roasted nuts.
I asked him where in center city, because I was raised as a boy in the center of Allentown. I turns out that as a young boy In the 50's, my mother used to send me up the street to a store to get milk or bread, if the need arose, because it was only one city block away.
I always remembered the two big cast iron peanut roasters cranking away and the unmistakable peanut aroma, (that was smartly directed through a window vent to the sidewalk) . It turns out that this was his grandfather's market. I don't remember seeing this peanut jar, but, I must have passed it a hundred times as a child on an errand.
That's nice. I remember the glass dispenser jars in the old stores when I was a kid. Lance and other companies had upright dispenser jars with red lids with goodies in them also in the old days. Thanks for sharing, brings back memories.