Posted 6 years ago
(3485 items)
This was my big find at the Long Beach Antique Flea Market. By big I mean it is about 30" x 14" and that doesn't count the box. I have it on my dining room table and it takes up almost the whole thing. Also this will take two posts.
The big features here include a driver and an automatic grenade launcher. The grenade launcher is supposed to fire an actual projectile although I have not figured out how yet.
Our next big feature is the detailed engine compartment. Let me just say this. That is what a Humvee looks like under the hood apparently.
Let us move right along to part 2.
Now this is very cool!!! I don't think I've ever seen one of these. Is this a recent find? I used to put my kids in a double stroller and walk that whole place! Years later, I did sell there and always had a blast. You're talking about the Vets Stadium, correct? He's so cool!
Duh! I see the year now! (what can I say) haha
Wow! Nice Joe item. Looking forward to more pics in the next post.
Thank you very much shareurpassion. Yes just bought this at the last Long Beach flea at Veteran's Stadium. I walk the whole place twice unless I run out of money first.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I could do a part 3 with a full crew of figures.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you mikelv85.