Posted 6 years ago
(906 items)
To my surprise and delight the vanity set has been identified as Harrach. Thank you, Brian Severn.
Having declared myself a purist when it comes to Tango Glass I've had to call this a 'Decorated' Vanity Set! However I'm not certain what type of decoration this is. There is certainly relief....incised lines for stems and etched dished areas for petals and leaves. The colour is a problem and the floral motif is matt though the rest of the surface is glossy. If I take my nail from the glossy yellow into a leaf or a petal my nail goes down into hollows. However in some petals/leaves there are raised ridges (see image three).
The body is yellow with a thick clear outer casing. Would incising/etching into this clear layer make it matt/change the colour? Or is there something going on I haven't understood/recognised?
The comb tray is the same shape as the red /spatter one I posted recently, though all else is different. Both these recent sets are different again from the one I posted here five years ago.
At least it arrived in tact though as you see there are parts missing.
how lovely is this set!!
That's not for me to say :)
So must be true, thank you!
This is nicer than lovely! I've never seen one like this. And I'd call it Tango! ;)
(But I don't recall seeing any etched tango.)
The cut/etched design appears to be emulating (in a cruder execution) the style of some of the wonderful Loetz cut glass designs -
I think it a plausible idea that the maker was imitating a high end product, I also think, after closer inspection, that the 'beige' colour simply comes from taking off the glossy surface. In parts the yellow layer is visible amongst the foliage.
Not only beautiful but also encouraging to ask questions concerning decoration,production ,type of glass etc.
I agree, Iwona, that it's good to exchange ideas, even when it can only be opinion!
So, it's Harrach!! How interesting.
Indeed, Wow22, and especially pleasing as the id adds to knowledge in general. All I knew at the outset was that this was unusual for a vanity set.