Posted 6 years ago
(3480 items)
I picked these up at the Pasadena City College Swap Meet a month or two ago. My attempts with my old camera with figures like these were not all that successful. These came out a bit better I think. Anyway in the long ago it was standard to have soldiers (or cowboys etc) that had been shot, wounded or dead in every group of toy soldiers.
First up, not counting the photo of all three, is a dead WWII German Soldier with a machine gun, Looks like an MG 42. Looks like he got it in the belly.
Photo #3 is an American soldier of WWII vintage getting shot. Nice touches are that he is dropping his pistol and the helmet flying off. Also he only has one foot on the base.
Last is a Confederate soldier, probably an officer as he has a pistol and sword. He is also dropping his pistol and standing on one foot
Got more to post as always so stay tuned as always.
Marx did a superb job capturing the injured & dying action here, great stuff fort
Marx was ahead of the competition with the wounded and dead. My favorite in the Blue/Gray set was the Reb on the forward collapsing horse with his arms flailing in the air falling backwards off of the horse. I remember a wounded Yank lying on the ground with hand on his head also. Great share, I loved my Marx playsets.
Thank you very much Broochman. I fear that was the end for many toy soldiers.
Thank you very much Newfld. They did at that.
Thank you very much Thomas. There are more to come!
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I have some more figures plus 2 sets of Custer's Last Stand for 2 more posts like this.
Thank you
Thank you PhilDMorris.
Thank you mikelv85.