Posted 6 years ago
(3485 items)
I picked this up at the May Rose Bowl, didn't get much at the one last Sunday as I wasn't feeling it but have a few items to share. Now as to this foot locker.
Either the owner's name was Earl or the Joe was Earl. Most likely the owner although people tended to name their Joes. Looks like he was a LeiuTennant. To back up a bit I think this would be a 1964-1969 footlocker. Another nice thing about footlockers is that they are often filled with treasure. This is a fine footlocker on its on as it has the tray and the paper that shows where everything goes inside the top of the lid. But this one also has GI Joe uniforms. The army shirt with pockets is worth what I paid for the lot itself which would be $10. Also there is the Marine Dress Uniform tunic, army pants, marine shirt and pants, and an army sleeping bag. All Hasbro tagged items.
Hot Wheels Wednesday coming next and not something you will expect.
Oops left out the items in the last photo. Those were from the GI Joe show in Pasadena last Sunday. Went there after the Rose Bowl. They are GI Joe 4th anniversary repro sets I will open up and put into my footlockers.
Looks like you did quite well. I had a footlocker, just like this one, back in 1970. Wish I still had it.
Great deal for the Joe stuff. You should promote Earl to "capatin" for this deal.
Thank you very much Scott. Perhaps it will show up at a swap meet.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. LOL.
Thank you
Thank you Brunswick.