Posted 6 years ago
(1778 items)
Until a few weeks ago, this was the iron cover over the little 'pit' in the sidewalk in front of the shop where I work, covering up the water meter/shutoff valve. It now measures about 13" at its widest, though was originally about 16" across and fully round despite its current shape/size.
It so happens that, due to its (former) precise (if accidental) location on said sidewalk, it *also* often ended up under one corner of our (4cu.yd.) trash dumpster on the one day a week we set it out to be emptied. THUS, after years' worth of the trash truck re-dropping the dumpster on it (and while already missing a few small chunks of its now further-gone half) the thing finally 'disappeared' completely one morning. In fact, its entire outer rim (which used to extend about 1.5" further outward from its now outside edge) finally gave way and cracked to pieces, leaving this chunk of it in the bottom of the hole atop our water meter itself.
Since *that* situation produced basically an 'open hole' in front of our business, which I'd rather not see get sued-to-death by some opportunistic "pedestrian', we set out an orange cone then got the water Co. going to ultimately replace it, which they did by installing an entire new and much sturdier 'meter pit'. :-)
And meanwhiles, I ended up with a fun new chunk of cast iron to join the other odd bits in my "flower garden". :-) Its only remaining lettering used to read "LITTLE ROCK MUNICIPAL WATER" (or somesuch) only a few letters of which now remain...the currently used lids of this size now bear the logo of the now renamed water utility. I tried (but failed, apparently?) to talk one of the crew guys to "accidentally lose" me one of those too, but he didn't bite... :-(
To me the beauty of Cast Iron no matter what shape it's in!!! Gives me Pause!!!
Nice piece!!
THANKS LOTS to bobby725, Watchsearcher, fortapache, Brunswick, yougottahavestuff, & Vynil33rpm for sharing my appreciation of this poor busted up chunk of iron?!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
I love yard art! This cast iron piece of yours is beautiful just as it is!
I’m not a pack rat or hoarder but I probably have a tendency for that....I hang on to all sorts of little things that will hold up in the outdoors so I can use them to label plants.
I used to buy little copper plant labels but they are expensive and a bit ho-hum.
I have a huge yard with many different flowering plants. Guests admiring flowers always ask for the names; sometimes I just cannot come up with names on the spur of the moment.
Or I might plant bulbs or dormant plants and forget the exact spot.
My solution is to use a piece of broken flower pot that has an interesting design, an old plow point, an old garden trowel, a smooth river rock or piece of slate, etc...write the plant name with an indelible marker and tuck it in with the plants.
I think it’s fun to come across some unexpected and interesting little bit of something when you are in the yard!
Your iron fragment is my kind of thing. ;-D
CRAP -- I was sure I responded to this yesterday but looking again just now seems to show otherwise... <headdesk> Anyways, more THANKS to iggy and esp Watchsearcher for your exceptionally kind comment!! :-) :-) :-)
I am NOT a 'hoarder'...I am NOT a 'hoarder'...I am NOT a 'hoarder'...
Lol....keep saying that, I’ve heard we will eventually believe our own lies!! ;-D
My comment was to AnythingObscure, NOT!