Posted 6 years ago
(5053 items)
I spent a lot of time in Maine as a kid, and i don't even know where Paris is! I love this little gag box though. on the outside: In case of fire, raise this cover. on the inside: Not now STUPID! In case of FIRE! I think it's from the 30s or 40s, by the looks of the hinges and the typography.
Paris, Maine is just north and west of Portland. Blink your eye and you would miss it. I used to go there every weekend back in the 60's for the races at Oxford Plains Speedway. We were camped on a lake there and right at sun up I heard someone blow their nose. I opened my eyes and there was a huge bull moose standing over me looking at me trying to figure out what I was. I never laid so still in my life before that moment. He finally walked away and I was covered in sweat. I had a 357 magnum but it was in my pack where I couldn't get it. That stayed under my pillow after that meeting.
thanks Thomas and fhrjr2! i think it's great!