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Meticulous Metalflake Matchbox Monday MB-14 Iso Grifo 1968

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (3475 items)

    This model was introduced in 1968 and was made through 1974 but became a Superfast in 1969 so this is a 1968 version. The real thing was made from 1965-1974 and used American engines, mostly those used by the Corvette. It may have taken the rear window idea from the Corvette too although it looks more like the Barracuda. That rear window may be the best feature of this model.
    The exciting moving feature is the opening doors. That and the very nice metal flake paint job. Also it has a trailer hook. Usually anything that was a car had a tow hook as their were several Matchbox models that were trailers. The Iso Grifo would go well with the Honda Motorcycle with Trailer as far as scale goes.
    Wrapping this up it was actually a ground breaking model. It was the first to have the metal flake paint and had a look like a Hot Wheels model which were released the same year. I think it is a fine looking model.

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    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      That's pretty sensible engineering, you still use your original non superfast wheels but you slightly jazz up the paint job compared to original series so you just change the wheels to compete with Hot Wheels the next year evidently. Did the early Superfasts have more "gaudy" with markings(not denigrating it but using it as comparative description) or did they have the more subtle fancier paint scheme like this one? It's a nice color for sure. Did they make any other transition/test bed cars in '68?
    2. buckethead, 6 years ago
      The Grifo was quite visually impressive. Cool Matchbox.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you very much Toyrebel. I think it is possible they saw Hot Wheels coming and started making cars that could easily be made in to Superfast. But in 1969 they were making the auto-steer models with steerable front wheels which were harder to turn into superfast models.

      Thank you very much Thomas. It is a good color.

      Thank you very much buckethead. Back then Matchbox were usually more mundane.
    4. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you

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