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Loetz "creta mit Behänge" Vase, PN II-525, ca. 1900

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Glassie's loves348 of 1270Loetz Ozon Cisele Vase, PN II-437, Hofstoetter Paris Design, ca. 1900Lötz Art Nouveau pitcher ca. 1915
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (649 items)

    This is one of those shape/decor combinations that emphasizes the fluidity of glass as a decorative medium, and I love it. It seems like a fairly difficult thing to make, between the hand tooled handles pulled from the rim, and the green "Behänge", or "hangings" that are pulled up from the bottom. I imagine the process to be something similar to a chocolate dipped ice cream cone - take something cool, and make it cooler by giving it an extra dip. :) Of course, the unusual shape is another matter - my friend Andy says it looks like an impatient wife (perhaps fed up with her husband's obsession with glass), but if this object is to be anthropomorphized, I see a vase with a bouffant cut :) It stands about 7.5" tall.

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    1. larksel larksel, 6 years ago
      This is a wonderful piece. Congratulations.
    2. kairomalte, 6 years ago
      The organic shape looks like a presentiment of the later well known Holubetz design, congratulation.
    3. bracken3 bracken3, 6 years ago
      Very nice!

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